10 research outputs found

    Explaining the conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling system of farmers of the Obwalden Canton, Switzerland - Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior within a Structural Equation Modeling Approach.

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    Farmers' intentions about conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling system (PAFS) are analyzed with a structural equation model. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB, Ajzen 1985) is used as the theoretical basis of this study. Though ToPB is a well-defined theory, it is static rather than procedural and cannot model the individual decision-making as a process. Therefore, we first examine the general applicability of ToPB in an agricultural context and explain the variance in intentions of farmers to convert to PAFS. Second, we extend the ToPB to make it more procedural. For this purpose, research findings from the Diffusion Theory are included as part of the behavioral model. The empirical results indicate that the model has a good fit to the data. The effects of the additional variables "Goal" and "Communication" are highly significant. This illustrates the importance of forming personal goals in the behavior domain and that people act in a goal-directed, rational way. Moreover, it gives empirical evidence that communication through personal channels has a great impact on individual decision-making. Altogether, this study shows that the extended ToPB provides an appropriate approach to investigate individual decision-making processes in agriculture.Farm Management,

    Explaining the Conversion to Organic Farming of Farmers of the Obwalden Canton, Switzerland - Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior within a Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    Farmers' decisions about conversion to organic farming are analyzed with a structural equation model. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB), one of the prominent theories in the social psychology, is used as the theoretical basis of this study. Though ToPB is a well-defined theory, it is static rather than procedural and cannot model the individual decision-making as a process. Therefore, we first examine the general applicability of ToPB in an agricultural context and explain the variance in intentions of farmers to convert to organic farming. Second, we extend the ToPB to make it more procedural. For this purpose, research findings from the Diffusion Theory are included as part of the behavioral model. The empirical results indicate that, overall, the model has an acceptable fit to the data. The effects of the additional variables "Goal" and "Communication" are highly significant. This illustrates the importance of forming personal goals in the behavior domain and that people act in a goal-directed, rational way. Moreover, it gives empirical evidence that communication through personal channels has a great impact on individual decision-making. Altogether, this study shows that the extended ToPB provides an appropriate approach to investigate individual decision-making processes in agriculture.behavior research, conversion to particularly animal friendly stabling system, theory of planned behavior, diffusion theory, structural equation modelling, Farm Management, C8, D1, Q12, Z13,

    Landwirtschaft in den Medien - Themen und Darstellungsperspektiven

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    Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Inhaltsanalyse steht die Frage, über welche landwirtschaft-lichen Themen Schweizer Medien berichten und wie diese Themen dargestellt werden. 1588 Artikel aus sechs Deutschschweizer Zeitungen und 215 TV Beiträge aus drei Informationssendungen des Schweizer Fernsehens werden dazu inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Der Untersuchungszeitraum umfasst die Stichjahre 1996, 2000, 2004 und 2006. Zahl und Umfang der Medienbeiträge mit landwirtschaftlichen Inhalten bleiben zwischen 1996 und 2006 auf tiefem Niveau stabil. Über 50 % aller Print-Beiträge und 70 % aller TV-Beiträge fallen unter die beiden Themenkategorien «Produktion» und «Gesellschaft». Beiträge aus diesen Themenbereichen weisen im Durchschnitt mehr Nachrichtenfaktoren auf als die übrigen Themenbereiche «Agrarpolitik», «Agrarmärkte» und «Kommunikation». Mit dem so genannten Framing-Ansatz wurde die Darstellungsperspektive der Themen ermittelt. Dabei zeigt sich, dass in den vergangenen zehn Jahren positive Darstellungsperspektiven zu und negative abnehmen. Wir führen dies auf die Veränderungen in der Medienbranche als Folge von Internet und Gratiszeitungen zurück, welche vor allem bei den Regionalzeitungen eine stärkere Regionalisierung der Berichterstattung zur Folge hat. Beiträge über Landwirtschaft im regionalen Kontext werden generell positiver dargestellt als solche in nationalem und internationalem Kontext

    Die Landwirtschaft als Medienthema – Inhaltsanalyse Schweizer Zeitungen und Fernsehsendungen zwischen 1996 und 2006

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    Mit dem anhaltenden Strukturwandel nehmen persönliche Kontakte zwischen landwirtschaftlicher und nicht-landwirtschaftlicher Bevölkerung ab. Damit steigt die Bedeutung der Medien bei der Meinungsbildung zu landwirtschaftlichen Themen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird deshalb die Berichterstattung über die Landwirtschaft in ausgewählten Schweizer Print- und TV-Medien inhaltsanalytisch untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass produktionsorientierte Themen überwiegend positiv, agrarpolitische Themen hingegen deutlich kritischer dargestellt werden. Im Untersuchungszeitraum werden landwirtschaftliche Themen vermehrt im regionalen Kontext präsentiert, stärker personalisiert und zunehmend positiv dargestellt. Insgesamt kann von einer zunehmend positiven Berichterstattung gesprochen werden. Ausgehend von der Agenda-Setting-Theorie wird jedoch abgeleitet, dass die vorwiegend positiven Befunde aus dem Themenbereich Produktion eine schwächere Wirkung auf die Rezipienten haben als die kritischere Berichterstattung über agrarpolitische Themen

    Changing Attitudes: Does Personal Experience Matter? A Structural Equilibrium Equation Modeling Approach with Panel Data

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    Conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling (PAFS) is one of the programs for which Swiss farmers receive direct payments from the government. This conversion to PAFS is analysed within a structural equation model in order to 1) review the link between intention to convert and observed conversion behavior, 2) prove the influence of personal experience on changing attitudes and norms, after having converted. The behavior model encompasses three theoretical constructs which influence the Behaviour: Attitude toward PAFS and Subjective Norm regarding PAFS, which both affect Intention to perform PAFS. Lastly, Intention influences the Behavior, i.e. observed conversion to PAFS. These variables are available for two time points, so one can differentiate between Conversion1 and Conversion and so on. In addition, Behavior influences Attitude 2 and Subjective Norm of the second time point so one can investigate if there is any effect of personal experience on these variables. All in all the models have good fit, but results cannot be seen as supporting the underlying theory. At least the results indicate the weakness of the Theory of Reasoned Action regarding the intention-behavior-relation, which has already shown in other behavior domains. But also the effect of personal experience on attitudes and subjective norm cannot be confirmed

    Changing Attitudes: Does Personal Experience Matter? A Structural Equilibrium Equation Modeling Approach with Panel Data

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    Conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling (PAFS) is one of the programs for which Swiss farmers receive direct payments from the government. This conversion to PAFS is analysed within a structural equation model in order to 1) review the link between intention to convert and observed conversion behavior, 2) prove the influence of personal experience on changing attitudes and norms, after having converted. The behavior model encompasses three theoretical constructs which influence the Behaviour: Attitude toward PAFS and Subjective Norm regarding PAFS, which both affect Intention to perform PAFS. Lastly, Intention influences the Behavior, i.e. observed conversion to PAFS. These variables are available for two time points, so one can differentiate between Conversion1 and Conversion and so on. In addition, Behavior influences Attitude 2 and Subjective Norm of the second time point so one can investigate if there is any effect of personal experience on these variables. All in all the models have good fit, but results cannot be seen as supporting the underlying theory. At least the results indicate the weakness of the Theory of Reasoned Action regarding the intention-behavior-relation, which has already shown in other behavior domains. But also the effect of personal experience on attitudes and subjective norm cannot be confirmed.attitudes, subjective norm, personal experience, observed behavior, conversion to particularly animal friendly stabling, theory of reasoned action, Consumer/Household Economics, Livestock Production/Industries, C8, D1, Q12, Z13,

    Explaining the conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling system of farmers of the Obwalden Canton, Switzerland - Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior within a Structural Equation Modeling Approach.

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    Farmers' intentions about conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling system (PAFS) are analyzed with a structural equation model. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB, Ajzen 1985) is used as the theoretical basis of this study. Though ToPB is a well-defined theory, it is static rather than procedural and cannot model the individual decision-making as a process. Therefore, we first examine the general applicability of ToPB in an agricultural context and explain the variance in intentions of farmers to convert to PAFS. Second, we extend the ToPB to make it more procedural. For this purpose, research findings from the Diffusion Theory are included as part of the behavioral model. The empirical results indicate that the model has a good fit to the data. The effects of the additional variables "Goal" and "Communication" are highly significant. This illustrates the importance of forming personal goals in the behavior domain and that people act in a goal-directed, rational way. Moreover, it gives empirical evidence that communication through personal channels has a great impact on individual decision-making. Altogether, this study shows that the extended ToPB provides an appropriate approach to investigate individual decision-making processes in agriculture

    Explaining the conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling system of farmers of the Obwalden Canton, Switzerland – Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior within a Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    Farmers’ intentions about conversion to particularly animal-friendly stabling system (PAFS) are analyzed with a structural equation model. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB, AJZEN 1985) is used as the theoretical basis of this study. Though ToPB is a well-defined theory, it is static rather than procedural and cannot model the individual decision-making as a process. Therefore, we first examine the general applicability of ToPB in an agricultural context and explain the variance in intentions of farmers to convert to PAFS. Second, we extend the ToPB to make it more procedural. For this purpose, research findings from the Diffusion Theory are included as part of the behavioral model. The empirical results indicate that the model has a good fit to the data. The effects of the additional variables ‘Goal’ and ‘Communication’ are highly significant. This illustrates the importance of forming personal goals in the behavior domain and that people act in a goal-directed, rational way. Moreover, it gives empirical evidence that communication through personal channels has a great impact on individual decision-making. Altogether, this study shows that the extended ToPB provides an appropriate approach to investigate individual decision-making processes in agriculture

    Explaining the Conversion to Organic Farming of Farmers of the Obwalden Canton, Switzerland - Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior within a Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    Farmers' decisions about conversion to organic farming are analyzed with a structural equation model. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB), one of the prominent theories in the social psychology, is used as the theoretical basis of this study. Though ToPB is a well-defined theory, it is static rather than procedural and cannot model the individual decision-making as a process. Therefore, we first examine the general applicability of ToPB in an agricultural context and explain the variance in intentions of farmers to convert to organic farming. Second, we extend the ToPB to make it more procedural. For this purpose, research findings from the Diffusion Theory are included as part of the behavioral model. The empirical results indicate that, overall, the model has an acceptable fit to the data. The effects of the additional variables "Goal" and "Communication" are highly significant. This illustrates the importance of forming personal goals in the behavior domain and that people act in a goal-directed, rational way. Moreover, it gives empirical evidence that communication through personal channels has a great impact on individual decision-making. Altogether, this study shows that the extended ToPB provides an appropriate approach to investigate individual decision-making processes in agriculture

    Wie Schweizer Medien über die Landwirtschaft berichten

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    Die vorliegende Inhaltsanalyse gibt erstmals einen Überblick, wie häufig, wie umfangreich und über welche landwirtschaftlichen Themen Schweizer Medien im Jahre 2004 berichten. Untersucht wurden insgesamt 586 Artikel aus acht Zeitungen und 55 Beiträge aus sechs Fernsehsendungen. Die Beiträge werden überwiegend als tatsachenbetonte journalistische Formen wie Nachrichten und Berichte verfasst. Meinungsbetonte Formen wie Kommentare sind selten. Fast die Hälfte aller Artikel befasst sich mit Landwirtschaft im regionalen Kontext, ein Drittel im nationalen Kontext. Das Themenspektrum ist breit und in den einzelnen Zeitungen unterschiedlich. Sowohl im Printbereich als auch im Fernsehen wird am häufigsten über pflanzliche und tierische Erzeugnisse und deren Produktion berichtet. Als Akteure kommen die Vertreter und Vertreterinnen der landwirtschaftlichen Verbände am häufigsten zu Wort. Im Fernsehen senden Schweiz aktuell und die Tagesschau die meisten Beiträge mit landwirtschaftlichen Inhalten. Es überwiegen produktionsorientierte Themen mit nationalem Bezug. Bauernfamilien kommen im TV am häufigsten zu Wort, gefolgt von Verbandsvertretern, Politikerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Über alle untersuchten Medien hinweg kann die Berichterstattung für das Jahr 2004 als ausgewogen bis positiv eingeschätzt werden. Menge und Umfang der Beiträge, Themenwahl sowie journalistische Formen lassen aber auf eine eher oberflächliche Behandlung des Themas Landwirtschaft in den Medien schliessen